I.F.P.A. Aromatherapy Diploma, Massage, Ayurveda & Post-graduate Qualifications/CPD
The Government's guidance can change at any time and T.S.I. is working hard to keep abreast of these changes and adapt to the new guidelines. Therefore, due to the very nature of the virus and to keep Students and Tutors safe, it is possible that some course requirements might change between booking and attendance. We ask you to please 'bear with us' and thank you for your patience and understanding as we work together towards ensuring safety for us all.
Please take note: Should the Government implement a lockdown, introduce new restrictions or Changes to Law, whereby neither Students nor T.S.I. are able to meet the Terms & Conditions of our agreement as stated below, this would constitute force majeure and T.S.I.'s Covid-19 Policy would then apply. i.e. The Covid-19 Policy forms part of our Terms & Conditions.
Where a course is cancelled, postponed or discontinued by T.S.I., where Covid-19 is NOT the cause, our usual Terms, as stated below, would apply.
However, in either case, we shall not be liable for any arrangement(s) Students might have made to attend (a) course(s) should we be prevented from delivering such services to you by reasons beyond our control, e.g. Changes to Law, Course Cancellation/Postponement/Discontinuity, Act of God, Civil Unrest, Fire, Flood, Storm and other such circumstances which might affect the delivery of our services.
The agreed Terms & Conditions are to ensure that our mutual expectations are clearly defined. If you require changes, a request for such changes must be made PRIOR to booking and our agreement to such changes confirmed in writing by ourselves.
A separate booking form must be completed by each Student enroling on a course.
It is ESSENTIAL that Applicants from countries where English is not the first language, have a good working knowledge of the English language.
Pregnancy: If you are pregnant, or planning to be, please think seriously about whether to attend a course at this time. T.S.I. will not refund any fees outside of our usual Terms & Conditions for non-attendance due to the commonly accepted symptoms of pregnancy.
Safety: For your safety: any student who is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, is violent (including verbal violence) towards anyone, or acts in an inappropriate manner towards a client or fellow student, will be excluded from the setting immediately.
CPD Requirements Of Your Professional Association/Insurance: Although all of our Courses are accepted for CPD by most professional associations it is not possible for us to keep abreast of the increasing number of associations and insurance companies and their ever changing criteria. It is the Student's responsibility to check with their association and insurance provider prior to booking on a Course.
Shared Responsibility For Effective Communications: It is the responsibility of the Student to inform T.S.I. if they have not received either their 'Initial Booking Confirmation' or their 'Final Joining Confirmation' details in a timely manner, i.e. Communications are a shared responsibility between the Student and T.S.I. and T.S.I. will not be held responsible for any technical anomalies.
Credits: In some circumstances, as a gesture of goodwill and entirely at the discretion of T.S.I. a Student will be offered a credit. Such gestures hold no monetary value and are extended for a maximum of 2 years. (Updated Jan 2021)
Take Note: It is a requirement that Students are covered for any claims made personally against them. Students can take advantage of the student premium with Balens Insurance that was arranged specifically for this purpose. All Students MUST be covered with Student Insurance PRIOR to attending an in-house training module and/or beginning their Massage-log or Case-studies.
Deposits are NON-RETURNABLE and are forfeited if the Student cancels WITHIN 6 WEEKS prior to the commencement date of either of the 'in-house' modules. Earlier cancellations cause the rescheduling of such Applicants to the next available date for that module, in the area.
The Balance of Course-fees is due 6 WEEKS before the commencement of either of the in-house courses booked. A request for payment will be sent - together with details of venue and local accommodation. Such Fees are also NON-RETURNABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE - if the Student cancels WITHIN 4 WEEKS of the commencement-date of the Course(s).
Please note, that if we do not have the minimum numbers of Students, 6 WEEKS prior to the start date, then the Course will not be confirmed and will be held open until 2 WEEKS prior to the start date.
Please note, when you have paid for the Aromatherapy Distance-Learning Module/s, there will be no refunds or transfers to other Courses.
In the unlikely event that T.S.I. cancels, postpones, reschedules or discontinues any course, due to circumstances beyond its control, we reserve the right to give 24 hours' notice.
If a course date is cancelled by T.S.I., Students will be transferred to the next available date for that module in the area - however, upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
If a course date is postponed by T.S.I., T.S.I. will liaise with Students to rearrange a mutually convenient date. However, upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
If a course is rescheduled by T.S.I., T.S.I. will liaise with Students to rearrange a mutually convenient date. However, upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
If a course is discontinued by T.S.I., upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
Completion of the Clinical Practitioner Aromatherapy Diploma is required within 3 years - unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Take Note: It is a requirement that Students are covered for any claims made personally against them. Students can take advantage of the student premium with Balens Insurance that was arranged specifically for this purpose. All Students MUST be covered with Student Insurance PRIOR to attending an in-house training module and/or beginning their Massage-log or Case-studies.
Deposits are NON-RETURNABLE and are forfeited if the Student cancels WITHIN 6 WEEKS prior to the commencement date of the 'in-house' module. Earlier cancellations cause the rescheduling of such Applicants to the next available date for the in-house course in the area.
The Balance of Course-fees is due 6 WEEKS before the commencement of the in-house course booked. A request for payment will be sent - together with details of venue and local accommodation. Such Fees are also NON-RETURNABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE - if the Student cancels WITHIN 4 WEEKS of the commencement-date of the Course(s).
Please note that if we do not have the minimum numbers of Students 6 WEEKS prior to the start date, then the Course will not be confirmed and will be held open until 2 WEEKS prior to the start date.
In the unlikely event that T.S.I. cancels, postpones, reschedules or discontinues any course due to circumstances beyond its control, we reserve the right to give 24 hours' notice.
If a course date is cancelled by T.S.I. Students will be transferred to the next available date for that module in the area - however, upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
If a course date is postponed by T.S.I., we will liaise with Students to rearrange a mutually convenient date. However, upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
If a course date is rescheduled by T.S.I., we will liaise with Students to rearrange a mutually convenient date. However, upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
If a course is discontinued by T.S.I., upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
Completion of the Massage Training Qualification Course is required within 2 years - unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Our Aromatherapy Taster and Massage Taster Courses are also the first few days of the Aromatherapy and/or Massage Modules of our IFPA accredited Diploma Course and our Massage Training Qualification. Following the Taster Courses, should students decide they want to pursue either the Aromatherapy Diploma or the Massage Qualification (or both), if taken in a timely manner, the taster days they have attended may contribute to their training days
The Deposit is NON-RETURNABLE - and is forfeited if the Student cancels WITHIN 4 WEEKS prior to the commencement date of the course. Earlier cancellations cause the rescheduling of such Applicants to the next available date, for that course, in the area.
The balance of the Fee is due not less than 4 WEEKS prior to the commencement date of the course and is forfeited if the Student cancels WITHIN 4 WEEKS prior to the commencement date of the course.
When we have sufficient registrations, we will contact Students via e-mail approximately 4 WEEKS prior to the course start date, enclosing the final confirmation, travelling directions and a request for the balance of the course fee (if not already fully paid). If you require hard copy documentation please let us know.
If there are insufficient registrations, then the course will usually be left open until 2 WEEKS prior to the course start date to allow for late bookings.
In the unlikely event that T.S.I. cancels, postpones, reschedules or discontinues any course due to circumstances beyond its control, we reserve the right to give 24 hours notice.
If a course date is cancelled by T.S.I., Students will be transferred to the next available course date in the area. However, upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
If a course date is postponed by T.S.I., we will liaise with Students to rearrange a mutually convenient date. However, upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
If a course date is rescheduled by T.S.I., we will liaise with Students to rearrange a mutually convenient date. However, upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
If a course is discontinued by T.S.I., upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
All Post-graduate Courses qualify as IFPA Post-graduate training and most qualify for FHT CPD Credits.
The Deposit is NON-RETURNABLE - and is forfeited if the Student cancels WITHIN 4 WEEKS prior to the commencement date of the course. Earlier cancellations cause the rescheduling of such Applicants to the next available date, for that course, in the area.
The balance of the Fee is due not less than 4 WEEKS prior to the commencement date of the course and is forfeited if the Student cancels WITHIN 4 WEEKS prior to the commencement date of the course.
When we have sufficient registrations, we will contact Students via e-mail approximately 4 WEEKS prior to the course start date, enclosing the final confirmation, travelling directions and a request for the balance of the course fee (if not already fully paid). If you require hard copy documentation please let us know.
If there are insufficient registrations, then the course will usually be left open until 2 WEEKS prior to the course start date to allow for late bookings.
In the unlikely event that T.S.I. cancels, postpones, reschedules or discontinues any course due to circumstances beyond its control, we reserve the right to give 24 hours notice.
If a course date is cancelled by T.S.I., Students will be transferred to the next available course date in the area. However, upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
If a course date is postponed by T.S.I., we will liaise with Students to rearrange a mutually convenient date. However, upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
If a course date is rescheduled by T.S.I., we will liaise with Students to rearrange a mutually convenient date. However, upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
If a course is discontinued by T.S.I., upon request, such monies will be transferred to an alternative course, held as a credit or refunded.
We offer our Post-graduate Distance-learning courses either as CPD training (only) or as CPD/Qualification Courses. If students wish to pursue the CPD/Qualification, either a practical or theory examination - via Zoom or in-house - must be completed successfully. Practical Examinations will cover all practical elements of the training course.
Completion Period: Due to the continuing evolution of professional standards, both practical and theory examinations MUST be completed within one year of purchase of a DL CPD/Qualification Course. The Student must arrange a mutually convenient date for their examination.
Unless it is agreed there are extenuating circumstances, all DL courses must be completed within 1 year of purchase.
Please note that there is a postage charge when sending Course packs outside the UK - £10 per Course for Europe, £17 per Course for the Americas and £20 per Course for Australasia.
Please note that we do not send Starter Packs to Countries outside the UK (due to import regulations in many Countries) and materials will have to be sourced locally; please ask for revised Course Costs if your Course is priced to include a Starter Pack.
We accept Sterling cheques, PAYPAL and bank to bank transfers (if transferring from banks outside the UK please add £10 the amount transferred to contribute to the cost that our Bank charges us for conversion).
N.B. Once you have paid for a Distance-Learning Course, including - where applicable - practical examination fees, there will be no refunds or transfers to other Courses.
Deposits are NON-RETURNABLE and are forfeited if the Student cancels WITHIN 4 WEEKS prior to the commencement of the mutually agreed 1:1 training date. Earlier cancellations cause the rescheduling of such Applicants to an alternative mutually agreed training date.
The balance of the Fee is due not less than 2 WEEKS prior to the commencement date of the course and is forfeited if the Student cancels WITHIN 1 WEEK prior to the commencement date of the course.
In the unlikely event that T.S.I. cancels, postpones, reschedules or discontinues any course due to circumstances beyond its control, we reserve the right to give 24 hours notice.
If a 1:1 training date is cancelled, postponed or rescheduled by T.S.I., the Student's monies will be, upon request, transferred to an alternative mutually agreed date, held as a credit or refunded.
'These Terms & Conditions were updated on the 3rd June 2024'.